The Final Incentivised Testnet Program (V3)

Flac Finance
3 min readOct 15, 2023


“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”

The Flac team announces the final testnet program for the Flac Finance mobile application. We yet again achieved our targetted date for the V3 testnet as announced earlier for the 16th Oct 23. This testnet includes V2 feedback incorporation, improvements, and new features.

Please read more about the V2 testnet results here,

What’s new?

The focus for V3 is to get the application ready for mainnet, hence the V3 testnet program will include robustness, stability, feedback implementation, and mainnet phase 1 release features,

  • V2 Feedback updates
  • Eth Withdrawl/deposit support
  • Eth ERC20 token Withdrawl/Deposit support (Only ERC20 DAI token in testnet)
  • BTC Support (integrated, but not part of the testnet)
  • Buy/Sell functionality demo
  • Consumer facing Emails, SMS integration
  • OTP integration (final testing round for Indian users)

Read about features that were available already as part of V1 and V2,


The start date for the testnet is 16th Oct 2023, and the end date will be decided based on how the application receives feedback from the testers, the goal is to get everything right.

The initial release will have Eth and ERC20 token support, the follow up releases will include other features as listed above. At the same time the Flac team will continue to incorporate the testers feedback and provide continuous releases throughout the testnet program on a weekly basis and or on an ad-hoc basis.

V3 Testers Rewards

We plan to have the the V3 testnet program an intensive task and great contribution from the community, hence the rewards for the testers activity is 3X compared to the previous testnet rounds.

The amount of tokens one can earn is totally up to the testers themselves. The more the activity testers will perform on the app the more rewarding it will be. The activity includes performing transactions on the app, providing feedback to the team, and submitting bug reports. We will be filtering out any spam activity that will try to trick the system. Hence it is a must that one acts as an organic contributor.

In short,

  • 3X Rewards compared to the previous round
  • 1 Milo NFT airdropped to all the testers who will participate in the testing

How can you participate in V3 testing?

  1. The testing program is open for the Milo NFT holders. You can get one on!
  2. Join the Flac Finance Discord to get your Milo Role to communicate feedback, and interact with the testing team.
  3. More the Milo NFTs you have, the more you will be able to interact with the mobile app.
  4. The tester must be holding a Milo NFT in their wallet to receive the rewards airdrop

How does it work, what do I need?

We will be airdropping tFLAC (testnet tFLAC tokens) to the Milo NFT holders over the PreProd testnet network. We will be snapshotting the Milo NFT holders on the mainnet network, and airdrop tFLAC tokens to their wallets on the PreProd testnet network.

  1. Download the app for Android or iOS (details in Discord)
  2. Register an account.
  3. You will need a wallet that supports PreProd testnet. We recommend using Typhon Wallet.
  4. You will receive a limited number of testnet tokens every 12h into your wallet to deposit to the Flac App and use it.
  5. Below is the token/Milo ratio (This will change/increase as we progress)
  • Cardano Edition — 20 tFLAC tokens
  • Flac Edition — 10 tFLAC tokens
  • Standard Edition — 5 tFLAC tokens
  • more the Milo NFTs, more the tokens. eg. if you have 3 Milos, you will receive 3x the tokens.

6. You can then deposit the tokens to the Flac mobile app to use it.

That is all, please join the Flac Finance Discord for more details on the testnet v3 program. Thanks again for your support.

